Data & Demographics

The Madison Region is growing. Latest population estimates show the region’s population surpassed 1 million with an annual growth rate of 1 percent.

The Midwest is known for its solid work ethic, and the Madison Region is no exception. Our workforce of 500,000 produces an array of goods and services worth $40 billion a year.  

The region’s skilled, flexible workforce is constantly replenished and strengthened by our educational and training facilities. Nearly one-third of Madison Region adults hold a bachelor’s or higher degree or higher.  In the City of Madison alone, more than half of the adult population has completed a four-year degree, ranking it as the U.S. metropolitan area with the strongest brainpower, according to a recent study.

Businesses and residents enjoy a strong transportation infrastructure throughout the region connecting to major interstate highways, freight, and air.  Strong road systems and alternative modes of transportation result in average commute times of less than 24 minutes.

In this section, learn more about our unparalleled workforce and infrastructure that fuel our region’s dynamic economy.