Training Opportunity: Submitting a Successful Wisconsin Fast Forward Grant

You are invited to a free informational grant application training session, “Submitting a Successful Wisconsin Fast Forward (WFF) Grant.” The goal of the training session is to increase applicants’ understanding of the WFF grant application process, goals of the WFF grant program, process for funding and information on what makes a successful WFF grant application. Wisconsin Fast Forward is a business-driven initiative dedicated to improving the skills of Wisconsin workers so Wisconsin businesses can thrive.

The training will be a relatively brief presentation followed by a detailed question and answer session focusing on the key elements of submitting a successful customized skill training grant for our open grant application process. The first group of applications under this open application process that will be reviewed for award will be those submitted by midnight September 30, 2017.

You can attend In-Person or online using WebEx. Space is limited at In-Person Sessions, so register now to reserve a seat.

Register to attend either in-person or online (via WebEx):

  1. Go to
  2. Enter you WFF application username and password (your Job Center of Wisconsin or UI password will work as well, or you can create a new account)
  3. Search for “Submitting a Successful Wisconsin Fast Forward Grant”
  4. Locate the appropriate time and either “In-Person Session” or “WebEx Session”
  5. Click “Request”

In-Person Training Session Location
GEF 1 Room F105
201 E. Washington Ave.
Madison WI 53707

If you have any questions, contact