Age & Ethnicity

Age & Ethnicity


Among the Madison Region’s growing population, nearly 58% falls within the typical workforce range of 20-59 years of age. This is higher than both the state and national averages, reflecting the strength of our highly educated, creative workforce.

The region takes pride in educating the next generation of employees, with 25.6% of its total population in the 0-19 years age range. Residents aged 60+ represent the smallest subset of our population, at 16.5% of our total.

With growing diversity among our population, the Madison Region fosters a culture of openness, dialogue, and energy.

Between 2000 and 2010, the region experienced an increase in ethnic diversity as the Hispanic and Latino population doubled, with even higher growth rates in Green, Iowa, and Sauk counties.

The region is also becoming more racially diverse. Between 2000 and 2010, the region’s Asian population increased by over 56% and the African American population grew by over 38%, both above the statewide average growth.
