Building Patient Care Career Pathways in the Madison Region

Pathways Wisconsin is a statewide effort to deliver high-quality career-oriented programming in high schools that reflects the needs of prospective employers in their communities.

Focused at the regional level, the program is tailored to the specific needs of each of the nine regions. MadREP has taken an active role in Pathways Wisconsin since its inception, adding four pathways (Patient Care, Digital Tech, Advanced Manufacturing and Construction). We expect to add a fifth agricultural pathway this year.

High Demand for Healthcare Talent

Studies have showed for some time now that by 2020, the United States would be facing shortages in almost all health careers, not limited to physicians and nurses. One of the biggest factors driving the staffing gap is the aging of the U.S. population. Demand for care among Baby Boomers is expected to continue to swell in the coming years just as providers are retiring. And while the unemployment rate for health care workers is at historic lows, the sector is forecast to add the most jobs (2.3 million) of any industry through 2024, according to the BLS. (Source: Closing the Healthcare Talent Gap, Roy Maurer, 10/23/2017)

Industry Subsectors

Each patient care industry subsector offers career opportunities for a range of educational skill levels and salaries.

  • Direct Care ($19,370 – $166,000)
  • Therapeutic Services Diagnostic Services Direct Care Nursing ($19,370 – $223,370)
  • Behavioral Health ($19,370 – $116,620)
  • Diagnostic Services ($19,370 – $93,530)

Career Pathways in High School

The pathway must include a sequence of courses, including at least two career and technical education courses and two of the following components: a career and technical student organization, work-based learning, college credit opportunities, and an industry recognized credential.

Get involved!

Businesses in our Region have highlighted talent development as a top concern for several years and it has only increased since the onset of the pandemic. If your business would like to take an active role in cultivating your next generation of talent, fill out this brief intake form to get started.