10 Practical Tools to Restart Your Small Business

You’ve decided to reopen your small business, now what? Will your staff come back, will your customers? How long will it take to recover from the hit you took during your closure? Disaster recovery is something most business owners never have to go through. So how is it done? In this free webinar, we will discuss how to reopen a business in the era of COVID 19. We will provide real world tools and strategies to help you make the best comeback possible. Topics include analyzing your business for maximum profitability, getting your best staff, managing change, cleaning for COVID, vendor relationships, and communicating to your team and your customers.

Learn how to:

* Use the “Badger Bounce Back Plan”
* Attract and retain employees
* Improve cash flow and manage debt
* Lead through a crisis
* Implement cleaning procedures for staff and employees

Who should attend: Small business owners and managers who are looking to reopen amid the uncertainty and pressures of the COVID-19 crisis.
Wed, June 10, 2020 1:00 PM CDT
This is a free event, but seats are limited.