2016 Dane County Small Business Awards

Applications for the 2016 Dane County Small Business Awards are being accepted until May 13, 2016. The awards celebrate small businesses and the contributions they make to our communities and economy.

Applications must meet the following criteria:

  • A successful for-profit company that has been in business for at least three years or 1-3 years for the emerging business award*
  • A minimum of 3 full-time equivalent employees, including the owner
  • Maintain a responsible and rewarding workplace environment
  • Provide support (in-kind or financial) to their neighborhood and/or community
  • Awards considered in the following sales/revenue categories: Less than $1 million; $1-5 million; $5-10 million; $10-20 million

Award winning companies are honored at a breakfast program to be held on June 28, 2016, attended by on average 250 people. In addition to recognizing the companies for their achievements, the awards breakfast has a keynote speaker, panel discussion or other informative and entertaining program. During the awards presentation each winner will share a life or business success tip with the audience. Each winning company receives an award that they will proudly display for their employees and customers.

Learn more and apply online.