Badger Bioneers 2017

Sustainability is about people. It’s about you. It’s about all of us — together. To create a better future, we must honor the diverse experiences that make us human. But, at the same time, we must embrace the universal humanity that connects us all.

At Sustain Dane’s Badger Bioneers Conference, we will explore the idea of human(ity) — the duality of celebrating our diversity while deepening our connection. Neighbors, students, educators, activists, professionals, and volunteers will unite for a full day. Together, we will build a movement for a happy, healthy future in our region and beyond.

You are invited to be a part of it all. Gain new skills through hands-on activities that will challenge you to think outside the box. Dive into new perspectives with engaging speakers. Build relationships across sectors and neighborhoods. Learn how we fit into the national picture through video keynote presentations. Celebrate local changemakers with the Badger Bioneer Awards. Surround yourself with people who, like you, care about our community, economy, and planet.

Join us for a transformative and uplifting day. All are welcome at Sustain Dane’s 9th annual Badger Bioneers Conference. Learn more.