BioForward November Reception: U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin

Join BioForward and the UW School of Pharmacy for a Friday afternoon event featuring Wisconsin U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin at the state-of-the-art UW-School of Nursing building.

Hear updates from Senator Baldwin on initiatives that impact the bio industry including:

  • NIH funding – the Senator’s leadership in the bipartisan approach to funding medical research.
  • Federal Budget deal – how the recent two year deal affect prospects for NIH funding and other priorities
  • Senate Innovation Package—the Senator’s work on the HELP Committee to advance FDA and NIH reforms.
  • Young Researchers – the Senator’s legislation to ensure a pipeline of new researchers.
  • General Political Update – the Senator’s impressions of the possibility of bipartisan collaboration in Congress.

Register online. Free parking available after 4:30pm in Lot 60, one block from the School of Nursing.