Brazil Business Summit

The Brazil Business Summit will feature a range of experts – including state trade officials and UW-Madison scholars knowledgeable about this important region – to address key issues regarding the Brazilian business environment, including Mercosur/Mercosul, legal and cultural aspects of doing business in Brazil and Wisconsin’s strategy for increasing business in Brazil.

Why Brazil?

Brazil – the world’s sixth largest economy, home to more than 190 million people and vast mineral wealth – has become an essential market for companies with global ambitions. Familiarity with business culture, regulations, and market dynamics is essential for success in South America’s largest country. Companies seeking to enter this dynamic market must be aware of and prepared to cope with a variety of cultural and structural barriers.

Participant will have opportunities to gather practical information in roundtable discussions with companies already doing business in Brazil and one-on-one meetings with the expert speakers.

Learn more and register online. For more information, contact Katia Bymers, International Trade Consultant at Brazilian Business Outreach.