Building Strength

Economic development from the developers-eye view. Learn how you can get Main Street buildings up and running profitably. Three talks, three tours, three locally-sourced meals for the most needed conversations between the three parties that build city strength: private developers, city staff and concerned citizens.

What is Building Strength?

This 3-part series of conversations between participants and presenters has two principal goals – the first is an invitation to people with ideas, energy and wherewithal to generate income through property development in small Midwestern towns or larger cities’ neighborhoods. The second is a frank discussion of how city governments can go about partnering with small-scale developers to find alternative compliance paths that allow for productive city growth while ensuring citizen safety.

Steve Lewis, Craig Ellsworth, Conor and Rachel Nelan, and the siblings Erin Wallace, Ben Lembrich and Sarah Lembrich, invite you off the sidelines and into the game of economic development. They have renovated buildings in small cities and have filled them with thriving enterprises. This is a win for them, the tenants, and the little cities they are keeping vibrant.

Do not miss this rare chance to delve into city codes and ordinances from the developers-eye view, and to access the doers who can serve as a resource for you to get your own projects moving ahead with less risk and more chance for success. This is a time to access experienced architects and builders that develop our cities prosperous places:  learn, network, and invest in yourself and your community.  Conversations facilitated by Spencer Gardner and Beth Gehred.

Dates & Times

  • January 27, noon – 4 pm, Fort Atkinson, Cold Spring Design, Craig Ellsworth and Conor and Rachel Nelan featured as well as Brian Juarez, building inspector for Fort Atkinson
  • February 23, 8 am – 1 pm, Jefferson, Jefferson Area Business Center, Craig Ellsworth, and Steve Lewis plus many of his incubator tenants, featured
  • March 8, 5:00 pm – 8:30 pm, Jefferson, Tea Tree Wellness Studio, The Lembrich family featured as well as Fred Walling, President of the Southwest Wisconsin Building Inspectors Association, and City of Delavan Building Inspector

RSVP online.