This interactive course presents the core components of a BRE program and why the concerns of local businesses need to be actively addressed. By building an understanding of business visitation techniques and survey methods, practitioners will be able to clearly gauge their community’s business climate. Learn the “red flags” that may indicate a company is looking to move elsewhere, and learn how to structure an effective technical assistance program to respond to business concerns. This course helps participants understand how a BRE program relates to attraction, workforce development, small business finance, technology transfer, and many other economic development activities.
Course Highlights:
- Establishing, maintaining, and upgrading a BRE program
- Creating effective models for business visitations and surveys
- Customer-Relationship Management (CRM) techniques
- Marketing a BRE program
- Establishing an early warning system
- Cluster and industry-focused BRE programs
- Tracking and analyzing customer feedback and response
- Quantitative and qualitative economic development metrics
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