CDFI Sectors and Investment Opportunities in Wisconsin

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Chicago Community Affairs Program invites you to a Community Development Forum — CDFI Sectors and Investment Opportunites in Wisconsin.

Wisconsin Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) now number more than 22 and represent a variety of banks, credit unions, loan funds, and community based organizations providing credit and financial services to underserved markets and consumers.

You will have the opportunity to connect with banking, real estate, finance, government, and non-profit professionals to learn about important investment trends and strategies used to bring together projects and successfully capitalize growing CDFIs.

The day will open with Rose Oswald-Poels, President and CEO, Wisconsin Bankers Assocation (WBA) describing the CDFI sectors in Wisconsin’s market, and close with a practitioner led discusson on sector based trends in Wisconsin.

On hand to discuss the strategies, products, and the type of financial assistance their teams bring to the marketplace will be practitioners and investors working with CDFIs serving:

  • Community facility projects
  • Housing loan funds
  • Microbusiness loan funds
  • Consumer finance solutions
  • Small business sectors

Register by emailing your name, organization, and phone number to For more information, contact Carol Maria at 262.879.0831 x4311 or Danyale Lucado at 312.382.6949.