Cybersecurity for Under-resourced Organizations

Small & medium-sized organizations all have valuable data, which makes them prime targets for cyber criminals . However, these organizations (small businesses, non-profits, local governments, schools, etc.) are often under-resourced when it comes to protecting their sensitive assets. The National Cyber Security Alliance has developed a free hands-on half-day workshop to help organizations:

  • Identify which business assets others want
  • Protect those assets
  • Detect when something has gone wrong
  • Respond quickly and appropriately with an action plan
  • Recover after a breach


8:30AM-9:00AM: Registration

9:00AM-9:10AM: Opening Remarks (Eric Ness, District Director, U.S. Small Business Administration)

9:10-10:00: Fireside chat with local and national experts

  • Lisa Plaggemier, Chief Evangelist, Infosec
  • Brian Dennis, Director, Cybersecurity Center for Small Business, UW-Whitewater
  • David Cagigal, Chief Information Officer, State of Wisconsin
  • Matt Wernz, Attorney, Federal Trade Commission
  • Molly Arranz, Partner, SmithAmundsen

10:00AM-12:00PM: Tabletop workshop where attendees will define what cybersecurity is, identify common misconceptions, learn “quick wins” to put into action now, and begin developing their own strategy for minimizing cybersecurity threats.

This workshop is not designed for cybersecurity experts. This workshop is designed for individuals with little to no cybersecurity expertise, but everyone is welcome to attend.

This half-day workshop on September 24th is in collaboration with the 7th Annual Wisconsin Governor’s Cybersecurity Summit, and is a kick-off to National Cybersecurity Awareness Month–observed throughout the month of October.

The CyberSecure My Business program is free to attend thanks to generous sponsorship: National Signature Sponsor: Trend Micro; National Contributing Sponsor: Infosec.