The Dane County OEWD invites anyone interested in learning more about the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Home Investment Partnership (HOME) programs to attend an informational meeting on February 24, 2015 at 2:00pm.
Staff will provide an overview of the programs and 2016 funding cycle, followed by a Q&A session and opportunity for participants to meet one-on-one with a staff member to discuss project-specific eligibility/application questions. For businesses looking for financing opportunities, staff will be available to discuss business loan opportunities through the County’s revolving loan funds.
No experience with the CDBG/HOME programs is necessary to participate. Prior applicants have included businesses, non-profit organizations, developers, and municipalities. While previous grant recipients are welcome to attend, we hope that organizations new to the CDBG/HOME programs will take advantage of the opportunity to lean about these valuable resources. For more information about these programs, visit
RSVP by noon on 2/23 to CDBG/RLF Administrative Specialist, Peter Ouchakof.