Dodge County Global Expansion Lunch & Learn

Together with Wisconsin Manufacturing Extension Partnership (WMEP), the Dodge County Land Resources and Parks Department and Madison Region Economic Partnership (MadREP) will host a Lunch & Learn for Dodge County bankers, attorneys, accountants and executive leadership of manufacturing companies to discuss global expansion opportunities.

Topics covered will include global economic and demographic trends, shifts in middle class consumption and populations, and the need for small-to-medium size manufacturers to diversify their customer base for growth and risk aversion. The program will also include a discussion of WMEP’s ExporTech™ Program — a proven process to develop a company’s global export expansion strategy by focusing on markets with the greatest opportunity for return on investment (ROI), and least amount of risk.

The agenda for the program includes:

  • Welcome remarks from Steve Johnson, Plant Manager, John Deere Horicon Works and Russell Kottke, Chairman, Dodge County Board of Supervisors;
  • An overview of exports in Dodge County and the Madison Region from Michael Gay, Senior VP of Economic Development, MadREP;
  • A presentation on the ExporTech™ Program from Roxanne Baumann, Director of Global Engagement, WMEP; and
  • A presentation on STEP grant dollars available from Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation for ExporTech™ implementation.

View the event flyer. There is no cost for this program, but space is limited. Interested participants should register by contacting Dean Perlick at 920.386.3710.