Employers: The COVID-19 pandemic has changed recruiting but the workforce system is still here to help you find the talent you need! We’re hosting the Drive Thru Job Fair on September 17 from 12:00 – 4:00 p.m. as part of a statewide, unified approach to let job seekers know there is still opportunity available in their area.
How will the fair work and how can you participate?
Let us know you plan to participate by complete this short survey: www.surveymonkey.com/r/SeptJobFair. There is a $75 “booth fee” to cover printing and other costs related to the event. We will print 700 copies of your job posting flyer to distribute in Dane, Jefferson and Columbia counties. The Workforce Development Board of South Central Wisconsin will host all of the flyers on our website and share the page the week after the job fair with the other workforce development boards throughout the state. Employers are also encouraged to post job opportunities on the Job Center of Wisconsin website at jobcenterofwisconsin.com/presentation/employers/default.aspx.
Please send your flyer to be printed to Erin Bechen at ebechen@wdbscw.org by Friday, September 2 at 3 p.m. Flyers need to be submitted as a PDF and must be 8.5 x 11” and can be one or two-sided. If your document requires bleeds for printing, ensure you send the file with 1/8” bleeds around the perimeter. Logos and images will print best at 300 dpi.
The $75 fee can be paid by check made payable to the Employment & Training Association. Checks may be mailed to:
Julie Enloe – EATA
1819 Aberg Avenue
Madison, WI 53704
Special thanks to: Alliant Energy Center, Columbia County Fair Grounds and Jefferson County Fair Park.