This hands-on course will review the fundamentals of developing and implementing a high-impact marketing and attraction plan. Businesses looking to locate or expand need accurate, up-to-date, and credible information and communities need rock-solid marketing techniques to reach the needs of the business community. Course participants will be able to learn how to craft their community’s message by learning about online marketing fundamentals, GIS technologies, website design, and current trends in site selection. Participants will also explore various mediums of communication, including how to best utilize social media and Web 2.0 technologies as an economic development marketing tool. Case studies and sample plans will highlight the dos and don’ts of economic development marketing and attraction.
Course Highlights:
• Site selection fundamentals including corporate strategies
• Identifying target audiences using data-driven techniques
• Developing a community marketing plan and brand
• Garnering internal and external support for the marketing campaign
• Engaging social media and website design to target new markets
• Utilizing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to serve clients
• Benchmarking, evaluating, and monitoring the marketing plan