Europe: New Trade Opportunities From the Old World

In July 2013 the United States and the European Union launched negotiations on a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP). If approved, the trade treaty will be the largest trade agreement in the world. What are the challenges and opportunities for Wisconsin companies – both importers and exporters? Find out at the February 12th lunch-time event.

Ambassador (ret) J.D. Bindenagel, currently Senior Advisor to Strategy XXI Partners, will call upon his years of diplomatic experience and share his analysis of trade and investment policy and priorities on both sides of the Atlantic, the potential for mutual recognition of standards, and more. Topics he will touch on include current points of contention and agreement within negotiations, mutual recognition of standards and how these can reduce the non-tariff barriers currently hindering trade, opportunities for increased trade in financial services and investments as a result of the T-TIP as well as benefits to Wisconsin companies.

Our second speaker, Shawna Morris, Vice President of Trade Policy for the U.S. Dairy Export Council (USDEC) and the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF), will speak on the E.U.’s position in T-TIP regarding geographical indications which have been used in the past to restrict the use of what the United States considers to be common cheese names. Ms. Morris will focus on the challenges that this could present to the Wisconsin dairy industry and touch on how the T-TIP could impact trade globally.

Learn more and register online.