Evansville Area Inventors & Entrepreneurs Club

Two new local entrepreneurs are the featured speakers at the next meeting of the Evansville Area Inventors & Entrepreneurs Club.

The topic addresses what it takes to be a new entrepreneur running a business from an historic home and operating a shop on Main Street.  Holin Kennen is the proprietor of Dancing Lamb, a unique shop featuring yarns, spinning wheels, other products and classes.  The shop is operated out of the main floor of her home in Evansville’s historic district.  Abby Barnes is the proprietor of Vintage Roost—featuring shabby chic and funky home items–and Vintage Workshop, a place used for classes and pop-up shops.  The shops are side by side on Main Street in downtown Evansville.

Refreshments for this meeting are sponsored by Shannon Law Office.  Whether the issue involves estate planning or family law, or if there may be a financial or business matter, the philosophy practiced at Shannon Law is to listen and provide services, information, education and options that are appropriate to the individual’s needs. More information is available at www.Shannon-Law.com.

The I&E Club meetings are free and everyone is welcome to attend.  For questions or more information about the club, contact Sue Berg at 608-882-0986 or by email, or Halina Zakowicz at 608-698-4259 or by email. Find the club at www.facebook.com/TheEvansvilleAreaInventorsEntrepreneursClub.