Evansville I&E Club Goes to Sector67

A “maker space” in Madison that has received national attention is where the Evansville Area Inventors & Entrepreneurs Club will meet in March.

Sector67 is described as “a community workspace/hackerspace/makerspace/collaborative environment” where people find the tools “to work on tomorrow’s technology; to build, collaborate, learn and teach about next generation devices.” This includes software, hardware, electronics, art, sewing, metalwork, apps, games and more. Another way to think of it is a gym club with equipment for inventors and entrepreneurs, to paraphrase a quote from founder and director Chris Meyer. View this humorous 8-minute program about Sector67 was recorded by Wayward Nation. Meyer will host a tour and discuss how the business works.

Guests are most definitely welcome. Inquiries may be directed to EvansvilleInnovators@gmail.com, Sue Berg at 608-882-0986 or Halina Zakowicz at 608-698-4259. Or check out the club at www.facebook.com/TheEvansvilleAreaInventorsEntrepreneursClub.