Evansville I&E Club Meeting: LollyZip

The Evansville Area Inventors & Entrepreneurs Club meets in October to hear about LollyZip. Middleton-based interior designer Jill Yvette Dybdahl was a frustrated traveler who wanted to take portions of her home personal care products on flights.  In collaboration with partners, she created a TSA-approved quart-sized, attractive pouch with re-usable, refillable jars and silicone bottles.  She will share her ongoing story about launching a frustration into an online and retail shopping opportunity.

Lisa Moran, a kitchen-table tinkerer from Janesville, organized this program. Evansville.  Moran and DLG Naturals were the winners of the micro-grant contest sponsored in 2014 by the I&E Club.

More information about the meeting and I&E Club is available from Halina Zakowicz, 608-698-4259 or admin@haelix.com, and Sue Berg, 608-882-0986 or suebergsolutions@gmail.com.  Or visit the club’s Facebook page.