Global Trade Venture: Japan and South Korea







With a population of 127 million and the fourth-largest economy in the world, Japan is an economic powerhouse. With a population of 51 million and the 13th-largest economy in the world, South Korea is also a well-developed market. Both countries’ capitals are megacities — the Tokyo metro area is the world’s largest, with more than 38 million people, and Seoul is the third-largest, with 25 million population.

In September 2017, WEDC will be leading a global trade venture to Japan and South Korea. Wisconsin exporters of goods and services are invited to participate in this program, which will include segments in Tokyo and Seoul. In each city, participants will be scheduled for one-on-one meetings with potential partners in the market. These partners are chosen specifically for each participating company.

Each participant in the global trade venture will also receive Japan and South Korea market assessments specific to his or her company, detailing considerations they should keep in mind when introducing their product or service into these markets. WEDC has eyes and ears on the ground in the markets, in the form of Wisconsin’s authorized trade representatives — thus making it easier for Wisconsin companies to find local partners they can trust, and taking some of the guesswork out of launching in a new market. With all your appointments arranged for you, you can focus on business rather than logistics and scheduling.

Because both Japan and South Korea are large and well-developed economies, companies of just about any kind will find opportunities in these markets. Wisconsin companies in the following sectors are especially encouraged to participate in this global trade venture:

  • Advanced manufacturing, including aerospace, automobile parts, and energy, power and control
  • Bioscience, medical devices, health technology
  • Food and beverage, including food processing equipment

Learn more and register by July 10, 2017.
