Global Trade Venture: Canada

Canada is the largest export market for U.S.-produced goods ($337 billion in 2015), as well as for goods produced in Wisconsin ($7.3 billion in 2015). With trade between the U.S. and Canada already strong — the two countries share the world’s longest international border, and more than $2 billion of goods and services cross that border each day — Canada is a natural first step for Wisconsin producers of goods and services who are looking to begin exporting.

From April 30 to May 5, 2017, the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) will be leading a global trade venture to Canada, with segments in Toronto and Montreal.

As a large, advanced economy with well-developed infrastructure, Canada is an ideal first market for new-to-export companies and one that seeks innovative, advanced technology product and service solutions. In Canada, Wisconsin companies will find a friendly market with many potential buyers for their products and services—especially if they offer innovations that solve problems for companies in their respective sectors. Both new-to-exporting companies and companies with prior exporting experience are welcome to participate; for best results, companies that apply should view exporting as an integral part of their overall corporate growth strategy.

In each city, participants will be scheduled for customized one-on-one meetings with prospective partners in the market. These partners are hand-picked for each participating company based on specific qualifications and criteria that suit the company’s needs. Each participant in the global trade venture will also receive market intelligence specific to his or her company, detailing considerations to keep in mind when introducing the company’s product or service into the Canadian market. With logistics and scheduling handled for them, participating companies can focus on business.

Register by March 6.

