Governor’s Blue Ribbon Commission on Rural Prosperity: Conversations with the Commissioners

Share your perspective on the challenges, opportunities and future of rural Wisconsin

Why a Blue Ribbon Commission?
Rural communities, Native nations, businesses and farms are Wisconsin’s strong backbone. The entire state takes pride in the beauty of our countryside, in our rural industries and workforce, and in our small towns where neighbors look out for each other and work together for a better future. Changes in technology and the global economy have been hard on rural Wisconsin in recent decades. Today’s pandemic-induced health and economic crises have only added to the challenge. Ensuring that every one of our 72 Wisconsin counties can thrive as places of opportunity going forward will require us all to work together. To tap the local knowledge, wisdom and ingenuity that are at the heart of forward-looking solutions,
Governor Tony Evers created the Blue Ribbon Commission on Rural Prosperity and the new Office of Rural Prosperity within the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC).

What will the commission do?
In his 2020 State of the State message, Governor Evers asked the commission to engage and learn from residents throughout the state in order to develop long-term strategies that will “best support the needs of rural Wisconsinites and rural communities.” To accomplish that, the commission will:
*Conduct three Conversations with the Commissioners – virtual public forums at which any rural Wisconsinite may offer their perspective and ideas on the challenges and opportunities facing our rural communities, industries, businesses, places and people.
*Engage directly, on request, with rural organizations, tribal nations, and business and other stakeholder groups via virtual meetings.
*Solicit additional comments from Wisconsin residents on the online portal opening on Aug. 31 through Sept. 30.
*Develop a recommendations report to the governor for how the state can be a good partner, supporting the needs and priorities of families, businesses and communities across rural Wisconsin.

Public Participation Options
The commission members are eager to hear from you. Sharing your ideas and experiences about what it will take to advance prosperity for all in rural Wisconsin. To participate and share your perspective, choose one or more of these options:

Come to Conversations with Commissioners – Please join us for one or more of our series with commissioners. In these virtual forums, it will be an open discussion on topics of rural realities and opportunities to be explored. Interpretation available in Spanish or Hmong.

Monday, August 31, 12-2 p.m.

Tuesday, September 8, 7-9 p.m.

Wednesday, September 16, 3-5 p.m.

Please register for a session at:

Submit your ideas online – Any Wisconsin resident may provide the commission your ideas in writing using an online portal. It will be open and available for your input on the WEDC website ( from August 31 to September 30.

Direct Stakeholder Engagement – Groups that hold a special stake in today’s rural Wisconsin and in its future may request the opportunity to meet and provide information and perspective to one or more commissioners. Please email Kelliann Blazek at