IEDC Course: Workforce Development

Skilled workers are the backbone of a productive and efficient economy. This versatile course explains the strong relationship between economic and workforce development through case studies, practical examples, and current research. Course participants will learn what programs currently leverage federal, state, and local financial resources to support workforce development. Learn about what collaborative programs will help upgrade the skills of your community’s existing workforce. Other topics of discussion will include: talent attraction, K-12 development and integration, occupational analysis, target industry clusters, and more.

Course Highlights:

  • Reviewing the core components of the workforce development system
  • Availability of funding sources at the local, state and federal levels
  • Accessing Department of Labor grants and initiatives (e.g., WIRED)
  • Understanding occupational data analysis and career pathways
  • Assessing qualifications, skills and abilities of current workforce
  • Recruitment and retention of a skilled labor force
  • The role of higher education in workforce and economic development
  • New alliances, new models and best practices in regional & local initiatives

View the agenda and register by July 15.