Local Food Means Local Business Meeting

Local Food Means Business is back for a third year! This is a business to business meeting for local food buyers and suppliers to meet. This year the Institutional Food Market Coalition and Something Special from Wisconsin™ are partnering with the Isthmus Food and Wine Festival. This meeting will be a special session that takes place before the Food & Wine Festival begins. Attendees will get a sneak peak of the Isthmus Food & Wine Festival show floor prior to the show opening to the public.

How it works: At Local Food Means Business, buyers and suppliers will have the opportunity to network during organized small group networking time and during open meeting time. About 100 attendees are expected. This event will take place in a meeting room right above the Isthmus Food & Wine Festival show floor. Suppliers include farmers, value added food businesses, and distributors. Buyers include restaurant chefs, food service directors from institutions, grocery store buyers, and distributors.

After networking, attendees will have the opportunity to preview the local food exhibitors at the Isthmus Food & Wine Festival and taste their products before the show is open to the general public (many of the suppliers who attend Local Food Means Business will have exhibitor booths at the Isthmus Food & Wine Festival).

Attendees are then welcome to stay and enjoy all the fun of the Isthmus Food & Wine & Wine Festival once it is open to the public on Friday (or select a ticket type below to attend the Food & Wine Festival on Saturday as well!).

Learn more and register online. For questions, please contact DATCP’s Lois Federman at 608.224.5124.