MITA’s panel of export compliance professionals will discuss various compliance scenarios that will provide you with an overview of items and activities subject to the EAR and ITAR, export licenses and the use of license exceptions, what happens to your products after they reach a distributor or customer overseas, and anti-bribery and sanctions programs and their implications for your business.
Attend this program and gain knowledge about the latest and ever-changing export compliance laws, how to deal with shipments that get stuck at the port, common red tape concerns, and how to avoid costly penalties. Whether you are a manufacturer or agricultural producer asking “where do I start?” or looking for insights about export compliance management plans, audits and managing multiple FTA documents, this will be an exciting seminar to learn how to successfully navigate the landscape of export-import compliance.
Who should attend:
Global supply chain executives, export managers, international sales directors, senior executives, legal counsel, export documentation staff, international customer service staff.
Panelists include:
- Jay Nash, Managing Director, for Startegy & Development, SECURUS Strategic Trade Solutions
- Victoria Connelly, Trade Compliance Manager, Oshkosh Corporation
- Wendy Arends, Attorney & Special Counsel for Trade Compliance, Godfrey & Kahn, S.C.
Moderated by: Eric Wilson, Attroney, Godfrey & Kahn, S.C.