MITA Webinar: Export Commercial Letters of Credit

Today more than ever, it is critical to ensure that the payment on your export sale is secured. Letters of credit are one of the most common methods for securing an export payment. But, if not structured correctly, letters of credit can become a stumbling block versus a springboard for your sales. Want to learn how to structure your letter of credit correctly? Need to know the do’s and don’ts to structuring this critical payment tool?

Register for Madison International Trade Association (MITA)’s upcoming export letters of credit seminar featuring Paul Jarzombek of LR International Inc. and Henrietta Bogyay of Hydro-Thermal Corporation. Our presenters will provide both an academic overview and tips on tactical strategies for L/C success. Also learn from a real world example of a letter of credit that Hydro-Thermal used on a past export order. A live Q & A session will follow the presentation.

This webinar will include valuable information for individuals throughout your company including CFO’s, credit managers and international sales directors.

Join MITA, its presenters, guests and members for a close look and lively discussion on the this topic.

Tuesday, June 9th 1:00pm – 2:00pm. Cost of Admission FREE (registration is required).

To register for this FREE Webinar click here. A link to the webinar will be sent separately upon registration. If you are interested in learning about MITA membership, go to:

This event is co-sponsored by ME Dey & Co. and ABS Genus Global.