Advancing Talent, Opportunity & Prosperity: The Madison Region’s Economic Development, Diversity & Leadership Summit

In a first-of-its-kind collaboration, the Madison Region Economic Partnership (MadREP) and the Urban League of Greater Madison (ULGM) host a joint event for Madison Region business and community leaders focused on economic development, diversity, and leadership.

The day-long Summit will be a solution-oriented event, rooted in MadREP’s Advance Now Strategy for economic growth and ULGM’s efforts to transform our communities into the Best in the Midwest for everyone. 

The Summit will feature several esteemed speakers, including:

  • Joel Kotkin—a renowned author and internationally-recognized authority on global, economic, political and social trends
  • Ken Salazar—former U.S. Secretary of the Interior and U.S. Senator who brings a broad background as a lawyer, farmer, and small business owner
  • Maria Campbell—previous Corporate Director of Diversity for SC Johnson who is now a consultant on diversity and inclusion practices as a key driver for business growth and empowerment.

Register and view more information at

Early bird rates (by April 28): $199 Full Day Summit & Luncheon | $99 Government/Nonprofit Rate
After April 28:
$249 Full Day Summit & Luncheon | $119 Government/Nonprofit Rate

Sponsorship and group rate benefits are also available. Email Ed Lee for details.

See you at the Summit!

Agricultural Innovation Prize: Powered by 40 Chances

The Agricultural Innovation Prize is the largest student prize focused on agriculture in the world, and the competition seeks student participation from across the spectrum of academic disciplines and interests. Join us for the final round of competition is hosted on April 25, when judges will select the top 5 teams from 25 finalists, and on April 26, when judges will pick a grand prize winner from the top 5 teams. 

Learn more, and email questions to

ExporTech – Madison

The upcoming three-session training program in Madison will take place on April 10, May 8, and June 11.

Find out more and contact WMEP Director of Global Engagement Roxanne Baumann at 262.442.8279 for more information.

ExporTech – Waukesha

The upcoming three-session training program in Waukesha will take place on March 13, April 3, and May 1.

Find out more and contact WMEP Director of Global Engagement Roxanne Baumann at 262.442.8279 for more information.

neXXpo – Business In Fast Forward

In 2014 the Greater Madison Chamber of Commerce (GMCC) will redefine what a business expo delivers to attendees and exhibitors with neXXpo: Business in Fast Forward on Tuesday, April 8th at Alliant Energy Center Exhibition Hall. Attendees will see and experience what’s next in business products and services at various exhibition booths focused in five zones: Manufacturing, Startup, Sustainability, Talent, and Technology.

The event schedule offers various seminar sessions, luncheon with keynote speaker, the exhibition zones, an exciting business pitch contest – PRESSURE CHAMBER – and finishes up with a two hour networking program, which will feature four hospitality rooms.

Visit the GMCC website for more information, or contact GMCC Program and Events Manager Kennedy Cullen at 608.443.1954.