The CONNECT MADISON STRATEGY: Priorities & Partners Summit

Madison is growing larger, more diverse, more cosmopolitan, and more dynamic. Emerging industries are reshaping our workforce, construction is at all time highs, the city is becoming more diverse, and Madison is poised to add 50 to 100 thousand residents over the next three decades. In short, Madison is changing. This change brings exciting new opportunities coupled with complex new challenges.

Within the context of this change, the City’s Economic Development Committee and Staff have spent the last nine months formulating a set of economic development goals and strategies. This draft is rooted in data analysis, shaped by input from the community, and driven by the City’s commitment to building an economy that is both more prosperous and more inclusive.   However, this draft is still an early work in progress.  The draft lays out broad goals and a few projects and initiatives for each but the details of how any of these ideas will be implemented has not yet been fleshed out.  We need your help prioritizing these ideas and sharpening the focus of the strategy.

The next step will be to host the Connect Madison Economic Strategy – Priorities and Partners Summit on May 27, from 8:30am to 11:30am at the Monona Terrace. The event will involve exercises to present and discuss the draft goals/strategies and seek your input on where the City should focus its resources to move forward. This will be a highly-engaging, interactive event with activities designed to maximize your opportunities to help shape the plan.

Space is limited so please register online by clicking HERE. An agenda and a link to the draft document will be sent to registrants a week before the event.