WEDC Global Trade Venture: Mexico

In January 2018, the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) will be leading a global trade venture to Mexico. Wisconsin companies, whether new to exporting or looking to expand their exports into Mexico, are invited to participate in this program. The cities included in the program, Guadalajara and Mexico City, are the two largest cities in Mexico. In each city, participants will be scheduled for one-on-one meetings with potential partners in the market. These partners are hand-picked for each participating company.

Each participant in the global trade venture will also receive a Mexico market assessment specific to his or her company, detailing considerations they should keep in mind when introducing their product or service into the market. WEDC has eyes and ears on the ground in Mexico, in the form of Wisconsin’s authorized trade representatives—thus making it easier for Wisconsin companies to find local partners they can trust, and taking some of the guesswork out of launching in a new market. With all your appointments arranged for you, you can focus on business rather than logistics and scheduling.

Register by December 18, 2018.