WIN Luncheon: Value of intellectual property to economy

Possible changes being considered in Congress to the U.S. patent system and the potential effects on innovation, especially for tech-based businesses, will be the topic of an Aug. 23 meeting of the Tech Council’s Wisconsin Innovation Network in Madison. The event is being held in conjunction with the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation.

Erik Iverson, managing director of WARF, will be joined by Laurie Self, vice president and counsel for government affairs at Qualcomm on behalf of the Innovation Alliance, as well as Scott Button, a managing director at Venture Investors LLC and a board member of three tech-based companies, including recently acquired NeuWave Medical.

“The next session of Congress is pivotal in terms of protecting the nation’s 225-year-old patent system, which has always driven innovation that keeps the U.S. economy strong,” said Tom Still, president of the Tech Council. “This discussion will cover topics such as speeding the processing of patent applications, drawing a sharp line between ‘patent trolls’ and legitimate licensing communications, and other process changes that will save companies time and money.”

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