Wisconsin Early Stage Symposium

The 2017 Wisconsin Early Stage Symposium will be held Nov 15-16. In 2016, over 600 people attended the conference from across the state and beyond and offered more opportunities than ever before for companies to interact with angel and venture investors from Wisconsin and well beyond.

As always, the Early Stage Symposium features plenty of informative and inspiring speakers, panel discussions, networking and much more.

Companies have an opportunity to make presentations and meet with investors, along with other entrepreneurs and business leaders. Many firms have cited participation in the conference as a key factor for significant business growth. Nearly 500 companies have presented during this fall conference in one format or another over the years, including some of the largest technology companies that call Wisconsin home.

The two-day event will also feature:

  • Presentations by more than two dozen companies selected for the Tech Council Investor Networks’ track.
  • Returning this year – a speed-dating style event called Investor Intros.
  • The 13th annual Elevator Pitch Olympics, which provide 90-second presentation opportunities for additional companies.
  • More than a dozen panel discussions + educational seminars featuring leading entrepreneurs, investors and others tied to the tech sector.
  • “Office hours,” offering the opportunity to meet with subject experts on a variety of topics in small discussion groups.
  • SBIR/STTR awards luncheon to recognize grant recipients from the past year.
  • The 4th annual “Excellence in Entrepreneurial Education” award presentation.
  • The annual “First Look” Forum featuring selected campus-based technologies.
  • Exhibit hall showcasing more than 40 Wisconsin companies.
  • A first-night reception, two luncheons, two breakfasts and other networking opportunities, including an investors-only dinner.

Visit http://wisconsintechnologycouncil.com/early-stage-symposium/ to learn more.
