Wisconsin Youth Entrepreneurs in Sciences (YES!)

Wisconsin YES! (Youth Entrepreneurs in Science) is a statewide youth business plan contest modeled after the successful Governor’s Business Plan Contest. The mission of the contest is to help young people learn how science and technology innovations can be developed into solid business plans.

Building a more entrepreneurial and tech-savvy workforce is a challenge not only for Wisconsin, but the United States as a whole as the nation struggles to produce a globally competitive pool of workers.  One example is the emerging gap between jobs in the IT sector and the number of anticipated graduates in that field. By 2021, according to the Be Bold 2 report, there will be a deficit of nearly 12,000 unfilled IT jobs in Wisconsin.

This contest will help middle- and/or high-school students to better envision careers in science and technology, and especially where those disciplines intersect with the creation and growth of businesses.

Public, private and home-schooled students across Wisconsin are eligible to turn their science- and tech-related ideas into business plans and compete for cash and prizes. The contest begins with a 250-word summary submitted through the website. Entries that advance to Phase 2 of the competition will expand their idea into a 1,000-word executive summary.

The contest is produced by the Wisconsin Technology Council, with major sponsorship from IBM and WEA Trust.

Learn more and email our team at info@wisconsinyes.com with questions.