Green, Iowa, and Rock County businesses can apply for training grants

Excerpted from Janesville Gazette
By Gazette Staff

Grant money is available to business owners who want to improve the skills of their workers through customized training.

The Express Grant Program is being offered through the Southwest Wisconsin Workforce Development Board.

Businesses must show how the upgrade in worker skills would make the organizations more efficient, productive and competitive. Up to $5,000 per organization is available per year. All training projects must be completed by June 30.

The Express Grant Request for Proposal Application and related material are available online at Proposals will be accepted up to May 31, with funding awarded on a first-come, first-served basis as long as funds are available.

Proposals can be submitted electronically, which is preferred, to Rhonda Suda or in person at the Rock County Job Center, 1900 Center Ave., Janesville, WI 53546. She can be called at 608-314-3300, ext. 305.

Read the full article.