Madison Region Economic Development & Diversity Summit Announces New Speaker
The Madison Region Economic Partnership (MadREP) and the Urban League of Greater Madison (ULGM) are pleased to announce Paulita David, Director of Multicultural Strategies at McPherson, Former Head of Multicultural at Google will speak at the 6th Annual Summit on Friday, May 17 at Monona Terrace.
As director of multicultural strategy at McPherson Strategies, Paulita David brings deep expertise with multicultural consumers, including what motivates them, what matters most to them, and how they live in America today. Paulita joined McPherson following a decade at Google, most recently as Head of US Multicultural. She has worked with today’s most prominent brands, helping them make impactful connections with today’s multicultural consumers. In turn, she also led Google’s efforts to inspire and educate multicultural consumers and connect them more closely with the brands they love. Paulita put “multicultural” on the map for Google and for the Industry, dramatically changing how Google approached the multicultural consumer. Under her leadership, she founded the Multicultural team, which focused on helping companies cater to the African American, Asian American and LGBTQ communities. Paulita speaks internationally on the topics of Multicultural Marketing, New Audiences in America, Women in Leadership and Being a Latina Executive.
The 2019 Summit will build on our previous joint events in a collective commitment to advancing talent, opportunity and growth for all the region’s citizens. A topic of continued relevance and importance, the convergence of diversity and economic development is a critical component of efforts to mold this region into a model for economic inclusion. We know that diversity spurs economic growth, while homogeneity slows it down. As workforce demographics continue to shift, we recognize that the businesses and communities that embody, embrace, and encourage diversity in all its forms will experience the most gains. It is incumbent upon all of us living and working in the Madison Region to understand the integral relationship between economic growth and diversity, and to act upon the opportunities before us.
The day-long Summit will engage, educate, and empower attendees around issues related to economic, workforce, and community development. Held at the Monona Terrace, the event will feature keynote speakers, break-out sessions, and ample networking opportunities. Participants will represent the entire eight-county Madison Region, with an anticipated audience of 600 business executives, community leaders, economic development professionals, educators, elected officials, entrepreneurs, and emerging leaders.