More expansion for AMPI plant? Production has increased dramatically in last year

Excerpted from Portage Daily Register

By Craig Sauer

The Associated Milk Producers Inc. plant in Portage might expand again.

Company representatives told the city’s Plan Commission on Monday that they would like to expand the facility in the city’s First Ward as soon as this fall.

“The production at our facility has increased dramatically this year and we are needing to do some automation (robotics) to keep up with that growth and to continue with it going forward,” said AMPI’s Director of Engineering Wayne Jorgenson.

“It is nice to see AMPI expanding again. It seems like every few years we are sitting here looking at expansion,” said Common Council member Michael Oszman, the Council’s representative on the Plan Commission. “It is good to see.”

More details about the project likely will emerge at future Plan Commission meetings.

AMPI is a dairy marketing cooperative with 2,900 member farms, 5.6 billion pounds of milk and $1.7 billion in annual sales, according to its website.

Members operate dairy farms located throughout the Midwest states of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota and North Dakota. They own 10 manufacturing plants and market consumer-packaged dairy products.

AMPI is one of the city’s largest employers.

Read the full article.