New level of commitment at Economic Development & Diversity Summit

Excerpted from WISC-TV/Channel3000
By Neil Heinen

The annual Economic Development and Diversity Summit held by the Madison Region Economic Partnership and the Urban League of Greater Madison is always an important event in building the Greater Madison region’s economic growth capacity.

It is a recognition that diversity is a critical element in our region’s ability to compete globally for talent, business development and innovation.

But the Summit had added significance in the context of racial disparities that are clearly one of our region’s biggest challenges and the growing awareness of what is needed to end those disparities.

Clearly employment, income and household wealth disparities are holding this region back.

The Summit’s contribution to addressing those inequities would be reason enough to sing its praises. But it seemed to us there was a new level of commitment this year, a greater comfort with addressing uncomfortable issues with plain language and desire for collaboration and, of course, results.

None of this matter without results. But we believe MadREP and the Urban League know that as well and we were again impressed with the partnership, the engagement and dare we say the diversity.

View the video.