Stoughton company plans major expansion in Beloit

Excerpted from Janesville Gazette
By Jim Leute

A Stoughton-based manufacturer that acquired a Janesville company this year is planning a significant expansion in Beloit.

Universal Acoustic & Emission Technologies, a global designer and manufacturer of acoustic and emissions products for the power generation, oil and gas, industrial and original equipment markets, has signed a long-term lease at the Ironworks campus in Beloit.

Universal, which already has a manufacturing facility in Beloit, will lease 106,000 square feet of production and office space with an additional 67,000 square feet in reserve for potential expansion.

The added space will allow Universal to increase its manufacturing and distribution capabilities. The company said earlier this year the new operation could result in 100 new jobs.

The Beloit facility will become the home of Universal’s “Center of Excellence” that will put engineers, designers, business staff and manufacturing specialists under one roof. Established in 1959, Universal does business around the world from its headquarters in Stoughton.

The Ironworks Campus is a 750,000-square-foot mixed-use property that is home to more than a dozen companies representing a range of industry sectors. Hendricks Commercial Properties owns, manages and develops the property.

For nearly 150 years, the Ironworks site was home to the Beloit Corp., which began as a foundry but evolved into a manufacturer of papermaking machines. It closed in 1999.

Diane and the late Ken Hendricks purchased the Beloit Corp. site and renamed it the Ironworks.

“We are excited to be a part of the renaissance of this historic business complex, all while growing our capacity to provide better service to new and existing customers,” said Ron Jake, Universal’s marketing manager.

Mark Membrino, vice president of Hendricks Commercial Properties, said the agreement with Universal is a significant step for the Ironworks and the community.

“Beloit has a proud manufacturing heritage, and Universal’s long-term commitment here will help the city rebuild its strong industrial reputation,” Membrino said. “They are a world-class manufacturer that brings much-needed high-quality, sustainable jobs to our community.”

Read the full article.