Excerpted from InWisconsin.com
The Whitewater Community Development Authority presented Date Check Pro and Got Apps the first grants from their early stage seed capital fund. The CDA provide both with a $10,000 grant to assist the companies in their business development.
Date Check Pro improves grocery expiration date management
Many entrepreneurs launch their businesses after seeing a better way to deliver a service or improve a product. For Andrew Hoeft, founder of Date Check Pro, his moment came while working at his hometown grocer in La Crosse, Wis.
While working at Festival Foods, Hoeft managed date checks and rotated stock and noticed he spent significant time checking stock that wasn’t expired. He conceived the idea of building a system to notify grocers when stock would expire, and developed the Date Check Pro software application to allow stores to more efficiently track expiration dates.
“It’s really positive to see the Whitewater community’s investment in early stage companies. It really makes you proud to work in the city,” Hoeft said.
Entrepreneur network draws Got Apps to Whitewater
The vibrant entrepreneur community in Whitewater, Wis., is largely responsible for drawing Joe Neuman to locate his Got Apps, Inc. start-up business in the city.
The app development company specializes in creating apps for iPhone, iPad, Android and mobile devices. It consists of Neuman and one designer. He plans to add four to six employees by year-end.
Neuman formed Got Apps, Inc. in June, 2012 and moved from Chicago to Whitewater that winter. “As I saw the possibilities going on here, the tech companies that are growing here, things going on at the university, I made a three-day decision to move here,” Neuman said.”