UW-Madison to host national VentureLab program

Excerpted from news.wisc.edu

The University of Wisconsin-Madison Entrepreneurs’ Resource Clinic has partnered with the National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance (NCIIA) to bring the VentureLab program to Wisconsin.

VentureLab Wisconsin is a five-day immersive program designed to assist early-stage entrepreneurs in preparing to take technology products to market.

The program will host 20 teams of business partners, including a mix of Wisconsin entrepreneurs and NCIIA grant recipients from across the United States. Online applications will be accepted through May 15, with VentureLab Wisconsin scheduled for Aug. 13-17 at the University Research Park in Madison, Wis.

Students, faculty and business community members working in the following areas are invited to apply to participate in the program:

  • Clean/green tech: Green materials, green chemistry, energy, packaging, water, waste reduction/management
  • Biomedical/global health: Capital-efficient medical devices, monitoring systems, procedure-related devices, world health technology; and,
  • Advanced computing sciences: Platform technologies, high-growth technologies with a social benefit.

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