Whitewater company an industry leader in the design and manufacture of grinding machines

Excerpted from Janesville Gazette
By Stan Milam

Fast food fans who enjoy White Castle Sliders and McDonald’s Big Macs can thank a Whitewater manufacturer for the taste and consistency of the burgers.

Provisur Technologies is an industry leader in the design and manufacture of grinding machines used by processors who supply ground beef and other food products to the fast food industry. The grinders are precision machines built to exacting standards demanded by the fast food companies.

Provisur benefits from the vision of Tony Weiler. Sixty years ago, Weiler, the owner of a machine shop in Palmyra, saw a need for meat grinders to support area meat processors. Many of the grinders manufactured by Provisur still carry the Weiler brand…

Sales figures are not publicly shared, but Provisur had a good year in 2012, said Provisur plant manager Robin Hancock.

“I say good because 2011 was an extraordinary year,” he said. “But we remain strong and competitive.”

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