Wisconsin Metros Rise in Global Startup Ecosystem Ranking

StartupBlink annual report shows momentum for entrepreneurism building in state

Madison, Milwaukee, Green Bay and Appleton made significant gains in a leading startup ecosystem ranking of 100 countries and 1,000 cities, registering “amazing momentum,” according to the report’s authors. StartupBlink is a global startup ecosystem map and research center that works with dozens of governments, municipalities and economic development corporations on the development, mapping and benchmarking of their startup ecosystems, and support networks for entrepreneurs.

The organization’s annual report, published for the third time in 2020, uses an algorithm built over five years to develop what StartupBlink bills as the world’s most comprehensive startup ecosystem ranking. StartupBlink’s algorithm is supplemented with information from global data partners such as CrunchBase, SEMrush, Meetup and Coworker.

Madison rose 26 spots in StartupBlink’s 2020 Global Rankings Report to 98th globally, while Milwaukee jumped 31 spots to 132nd. Green Bay’s ranking of 446th was up 44 places, while Appleton came in at 581st, an improvement of 35 spots.

“The positive showing of Wisconsin cities in StartupBlink’s global startup ecosystem ranking is a testament to the culture of innovation and entrepreneurial spirit that exists throughout our state,” said Aaron Hagar, Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation vice president of
entrepreneurship and innovation. “Four of our local communities ranking highly among the top 1,000 globally showcases the strength and passion for startups and small businesses we see throughout Wisconsin and is continued evidence that supporting entrepreneurs is good for our local communities as well as the state’s overall economy.”

StartupBlink’s 2020 Global Rankings Report is available for download here. A profile of Madison appears on page 218 of the report. The StartupBlink interactive database and map is accessible at  StartupBlink.com. Wisconsin startups have the ability—and are encouraged—to add their own information to StartupBlink’s database directly on this site, so the full breadth of entrepreneurial activity in Wisconsin can be represented. StartupBlink’s annual report is read by tens of thousands of decision-makers and has been featured in more than 1,000 articles to date.