Workgroup Reports

Workgroup Reports

In early 2013, MadREP convened five volunteer workgroups to help steer implementation of the five Advance Now goal areas. Below are reports outlining the key recommendations presented by each workgroup at the State of the Madsion Region Summit on May 23, 2013. 

 2013 State of the Madison Region Report

The 2013 State of the Madison Region Report includes an overview of the region’s economic status, as well as summaries of the recommendations from each of the five Advance Now workgroups.

Economic Competitiveness

The Economic Competitiveness workgroup made key recommendations around a regional data dashboard and value chain mapping project, as well as an education program to train local elected officials on economic development.

MadREP staff presented two supplemental reports related to the Economic Competitiveness goal.

Human Capital

The Human Capital Workgroup addressed the Madison Region’s need to align education and workforce development efforts with target sector initiatives, and forge strong partnerships between educators, parents, students, and regional businesses.

Innovation & Entrepreneurship

The Innovation & Entrepreneurship Workgroup recommends the creation of an asset-based ecosystem focusing primarily on mentorship and innovative spaces.


The Marketing Workgroup made key recommendations regarding marketing goals, target audience, and initial story focus to ensure a message that heralds the region’s strengths and embodies each of our eight counties.

Leadership & Diversity

The Leadership & Diversity Workgroup recommends ways to strengthen the ways that the region’s businesses embrace diversity and inclusion in their workforce.