Asia Medical Device Webinar

Asia is a region of growing opportunity for medical device and healthcare companies.   Join the U.S. Commercial Service for a webinar presented by Pacific Bridge Medical outlining business and regulatory trends in China, Japan, India, and other Asian markets.  Participants will have the chance to ask questions directly to our expert presenter with 20 years of regional experience.

About the presenter: Ames Gross – President and Founder
Mr. Gross founded Pacific Bridge Medical in 1988 and has helped hundreds of medical companies with business development and regulatory issues in Asia. He is recognized nationally and internationally as a leader in the Asian medical markets. In 2008, Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry (MD&DI) magazine named Mr. Gross one of the top 100 executives in the medical business.

Mr. Gross is a frequent contributor of articles on Asian medical issues for Clinica (England), MD&DI (Los Angeles), and other medically oriented journals. He has been a featured speaker on the Asian medical markets at the Medical Design and Manufacturing (MD&M) shows, the Medtrade Home Health Care Exhibition, the Regulatory Affairs Professional Society’s annual and regional meetings, and a variety of other medically oriented meetings and conferences.

Cost: $30
Register here.