Business Best Practices & Emerging Technologies Conference

Wisconsin’s premier thought leadership event featuring parallel tracks in information technology, marketing, supply chain — and for the first time, customer service.

Opening Keynote: Patrick Dixon, Influential Futurist and Author
Patrick Dixon is often described in the media as Europe’s leading futurist. Patrick has successfully identified hundreds of future business innovations and is a global leader who has spoken to audiences in more than 50 nations. He is a dynamic, provocative and visionary speaker who advises many of the world’s largest corporations, including Google, Microsoft, Ford and FedEx. Patrick is the author or 16 books that have been translated into more than 30 languages, and his newest book is “The Future of Almost Everything.” During the morning keynote, Patrick will inspire change with specific insights and key trends to help you manage risk and seize opportunity

Closing Keynote: Adam Steltzner, NASA “Rock & Roll” Engineer
Adam Steltzner made history as the lead engineer of the team that landed the Curiosity Mars Rover. Often called a “rock and roll” engineer, Adam is recognized for his leadership and commitment to collaborative innovation. The challenges he and his team faced and the lessons learned from those struggles provide valuable insight on leading high-performing teams in high-stakes environments. What makes a team gel and enables truly innovative thinking? How do team dynamics drive that process forward or inhibit it? And how can organizational culture create an environment for sustained performance? Adam brings his true story of teamwork and leadership to the afternoon keynote of the UWEBC conference.

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