Get Real: Preparing for a Trade Event Seminar

Join Food Export-Midwest and Wisconsin DATCP for a full day seminar for agricultural product companies (food, animal feed, lumber, etc.), which will highlight what you need to prepare to participate in a trade event like the Midwest Buyers Mission, where you will meet international buyers. Learn what is expected of you from the buyers’ perspective and how to put your best foot forward. Don’t miss this opportunity to increase your knowledge of becoming a successful exporter.

Topics include:

  • Preparing for a Buyer’s Mission – importance of buyer selection based on products and markets
  • How Buyer’s Mission Really Work – observations on processes involved in registration, buyer profiles and buyer selections
  • Best Practices in Trade Event Preparation & Execution – research, shipping samples, tabletop protocol, food sampling and display
  • Company panel – hear from Wisconsin companies
  • Using the Branded Program – how to use the program to the fullest
  • Vetting Unsolicited Leads – Reading between the lines in online leads, current scams

Who should attend:  food/animal feed/lumber companies that make a retail, food service and/or ingredient product.

Learn more and register by May 13. Contact Lisa Stout at 608.224.5126 for more information.