Construction-related companies in the Madison region that want to learn more about becoming a vendor, subcontractor, supplier or professional service provider during the construction phase of the Foxconn project are invited to an informational session in Madison on April 9.
Forward- thinking Wisconsin companies are taking advantage of the explosive growth seen in other parts of the world. Today, 95% of consumers are outside the United States. Develop a customized, action-oriented export expansion strategy with ExporTech. Graduates have achieved sales increases averaging $900k in 6-9 months after completing the program.
3-Session Training
April 10, May 8, June 12
Madison Region Economic Development & Diversity Summit
In our fifth year of unparalleled partnership, Madison Region Economic Partnership (MadREP) and the Urban League of Greater Madison (ULGM) will host a joint event for Madison Region business and community leaders focused on economic development and diversity.
This annual Summit builds on our previous joint events in a collective commitment to advancing talent, opportunity and growth for all the region’s citizens. A topic of vital importance, the convergence of diversity and economic development is a critical component of efforts to mold this region into a model for economic inclusion. We know that diversity spurs economic growth, while homogeneity slows it down. As workforce demographics continue to shift, we recognize that the businesses and communities that embody, embrace, and encourage diversity in all its forms will experience the most gains. It is incumbent upon all of us living and working in the Madison Region to understand the integral relationship between economic growth and diversity, and to act upon the opportunities before us.
The day-long Summit will engage, educate, and empower attendees around issues related to economic, workforce, and community development. The event will feature keynote speakers, break-out sessions, and ample networking opportunities. Participants will represent the entire eight-county Madison Region, with an anticipated audience of 600+ business executives, community leaders, economic development professionals, educators, elected officials, entrepreneurs, and emerging leaders.
REGISTER TODAY! Get early bird pricing until April 13.
View more information and register online at
Early Bird Rates (by April 13): $199 Standard | $99 Government/Nonprofit rate
After April 13: $249 Standard | $119 Government/Nonprofit rate
All rates include full Summit & Luncheon. Sponsorship and group rate benefits are also available.
About FaB and FaBcap_starter Seminar
Aspiring food and beverage entrepreneurs are invited to attend Food and Beverage Wisconsin’s About FaB Presentation and FaBcap_starter Seminar – Best Practices in Starting a Food or Beverage Business. This information is for entrepreneurs who are either considering starting a food or beverage business and/or are early in their start-up of a food or beverage business and have questions about what else they should consider to better organize and grow their business.
Besides helping entrepreneurial food & beverage start-ups, attendees will enhance understanding/alignment of our food & beverage ecosystem. Specifically, to improve:
- Overall collaboration
- Implementation of best practices
- Mutual awareness of available resources
- Industry alignment and overall business development
The About FaB Presentation will begin at 1pm and is open to the public. The FaB Starter Seminar will begin at 3pm and is open to registered attendees only. Register online.
Job Posting: MadREP Research & Communications Manager
Position Summary: The Research & Communications Manager will coordinate efforts related to MadREP’s work in internal and external marketing, research, and data analysis. S/he will execute MadREP’s marketing strategy by performing day-to-day and project-related activities related to print and electronic communications, website maintenance, and metrics reporting. S/he will conduct and analyze regional research, integrating it into MadREP’s overall work.
Job Responsibilities:
- Manage the creation of print and digital collateral and associated content (includes annual report and Madison Region Economic Development Guide)
- Manage bi-weekly eNewsletters by securing and writing content, formatting design, tracking performance
- Create and distribute targeted electronic communications on behalf of MadREP and/or partners
- Manage and monitor MadREP’s social media presence
- Provide regular maintenance and updates to MadREP website
- Prepare responses to Requests for Information from site selectors, staff, and external partners in a timely and professional manner, serving as primary research agent
- Conduct quantitative and qualitative research using public and third-party data sources including EMSI, referenceUSA, Esri Business Analyst
- Manage and update all information for web-based regional data dashboard
- Coordinate annual submission of regional projects to Conway’s global database of corporate expansions
- Analyze and aggregate regional data from Business Retention & Expansion visits, external surveys, etc.
- Other duties as assigned
Experience and Qualifications
The ideal candidate will have 2-5 years experience in the execution of research and communication initiatives, and will possess a Bachelor’s degree in marketing, planning, business, or related field. Coursework and/or experience in economic development and research a plus. A Master’s degree in a related field may substitute experience requirements. Applicants should possess strong written and verbal communications skills, and proven ability to:
- Manage electronic communications (email, social media, website) and stay current on best practices
- Perform research functions, using online and third party databases
- Effectively manage a diverse range of projects
- Be attentive to detail and responsive to deadlines
- Be comfortable interacting with a broad range of individuals and partner organizations
This is a salaried, full-time position offering a competitive salary commensurate with experience.
To Apply: Send a cover letter and resume to Paul Jadin at by Friday, February 9, 2018.