Seminar: Foundations of Food Exporting

Join Food Export–Midwest and the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection to become a more experienced exporter. Dennis Lynch, Food Export Helpline Counselor, will lead this full-day of food export education.

Topics covered will include:

  • What’s New in Free Trade Agreements
  • Freight Forwarding for Food and Agricultural Products
  • How to Quote & Price Your Product
  • Money Matters:  Protect Your Payments
  • Company Panel – discussion of challenges and successes in exporting
  • Food Export-Midwest Programs and Services

Learn more and register online by April 18.

Young Professionals (YP) Week

YPWeek is a week long platform for discovery, adventure and meaningful conversations about the issues that matter among young professionals in Wisconsin.

YPWeek brings together key leaders in the community, at purposefully chosen locations that integrate the unique cultural assets with meaningful learning or social interaction. The activities engage the millennial workforce in experiences that are important to you as a YP while educating your employers on the important role these functions play in retaining you as their workforce.

Learn more.

Dane County Small Business Awards

The Dane County Small Business Awards (DCSBA) is now in its 35th year. The DCSBA celebrate small businesses and the contributions they make to our communities and economy. The 2017 awards breakfast will be held on June 27, 2017 at the Sheraton Madison Hotel.

To apply for this award your company must be:

  • Be a successful for-profit company that has been in business for at least 3 years or 1-3 years for the emerging business award*.
  • Have a minimum of three (3) full-time equivalent employees, including the owner (yourself).
  • Maintain a responsible and rewarding workplace environment.
  • Provide support (in-kind or financial) to their neighborhood and/or community.
  • Have $20 million or less in annual sales.
  • Not be a past award recipient.

Award winning companies are honored at a breakfast program attended by on average 250 people. In addition to recognizing the companies for their achievements, the awards breakfast has a keynote speaker, panel discussion or other informative and entertaining program. During the awards presentation each winner will share a life or business success tip with the audience. Each winning company receives an award that they will proudly display for their employees and customers.

Learn more.

Open for Entries: Wisconsin YES!

Wisconsin Youth Entrepreneurs in Science, a statewide youth business plan contest modeled after the successful Governor’s Business Plan Contest, is open for online entries from Wisconsin middle- and high-school students through 5 p.m. April 3, 2017.

Private and home-schooled students across Wisconsin are eligible to turn their science-and tech-related ideas into business plans and compete for cash and prizes. The contest begins with a 250-word summary submitted through the website. Entries that advance to Phase 2 of the competition will expand their idea into a 1,000-word executive summary. Throughout the process, students get feedback from professionals across Wisconsin who will serve as judges.

Place finishers in each category – 9th grade and under, 10th grade, 11th grade and 12th grade – are eligible for cash and prizes. The grand prize winner has the opportunity to present their winning idea at the 2016 Wisconsin Entrepreneurs’ Conference in Madison on June 6-7.

Learn more.

Apply Now: Wisconsin Tech Summit

The goal of the Wisconsin Tech Summit is to bring together major companies and emerging firms in a setting that allows them to meet and explore likely business relationships around technology needs and innovation.

Emerging companies can apply now to meet with major companies and explore likely business relationships, which might include contracting for research and development, becoming part of a larger supply chain, and pursuing investment or acquisition strategies.

The Tech Summit will feature pre-scheduled, 15-minute strategic meetings between major companies and emerging companies. This format will resemble a “speed dating” exercise, allowing both parties to learn more about the needs and developments of the other.

Applications will be screened by the participating major companies and selected for meetings based on the information provided. Applications are also welcome from early stage funds that want to introduce portfolio companies and otherwise connect with major companies.  Repeat emerging companies are welcome to apply.

All applications must be received no later than Friday, February 24th. Learn more.