Wisconsin Tech Summit

The goal of the Wisconsin Tech Summit is to bring together major companies and emerging firms in a setting that allows them to meet and explore likely business relationships around technology needs and innovation.

Emerging companies can apply through March 16 to meet with major firms and explore potential business relationships around technology needs and innovation as part of the third annual Wisconsin Tech Summit.

The Tech Summit is based on the assumption that large and small companies travel in different “orbits,” even if they’re in the same business sectors, and rarely collide except by chance. The summit will include a series of brief meetings, similar to a “speed-dating” exercise that will foster communication and partnership. It is produced by the Wisconsin Technology Council and partners that include the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp.

New this year: Applications are welcome from early stage funds that may want to introduce portfolio companies and otherwise connect with major companies.

Other features of the event will include:

  • An opening panel discussion to help set the stage for emerging companies by allowing major companies an opportunity to talk generally about their goals, needs and emerging markets;
  • Educational seminars, which will be available to all participants during those times in which they are not scheduled for individual meetings;
  • A continental breakfast, networking lunch and onsite reception.

More information, including an application form, can be found at www.wistechsummit.com.

Asia Medical Device Webinar

Asia is a region of growing opportunity for medical device and healthcare companies.   Join the U.S. Commercial Service for a webinar presented by Pacific Bridge Medical outlining business and regulatory trends in China, Japan, India, and other Asian markets.  Participants will have the chance to ask questions directly to our expert presenter with 20 years of regional experience.

About the presenter: Ames Gross – President and Founder
Mr. Gross founded Pacific Bridge Medical in 1988 and has helped hundreds of medical companies with business development and regulatory issues in Asia. He is recognized nationally and internationally as a leader in the Asian medical markets. In 2008, Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry (MD&DI) magazine named Mr. Gross one of the top 100 executives in the medical business.

Mr. Gross is a frequent contributor of articles on Asian medical issues for Clinica (England), MD&DI (Los Angeles), and other medically oriented journals. He has been a featured speaker on the Asian medical markets at the Medical Design and Manufacturing (MD&M) shows, the Medtrade Home Health Care Exhibition, the Regulatory Affairs Professional Society’s annual and regional meetings, and a variety of other medically oriented meetings and conferences.

Cost: $30
Register here.

Global e-Commerce: From Strategy to Execution

International business-to-business sales channels are evolving at an unprecedented pace.  Is your company keeping up?

Market forces are evolving and impacting traditional sales channels globally.  These developments, together with end-customer demands for speed and service, are forcing sellers to become more nimble in keeping pace with changes in the marketplace.  As companies strive to meet demands and grow business in a different countries/regions, it is critical that they understand the varying needs of the purchaser.

Join MITA for a discussion that will provide perspective on the forces influencing the expectations and decision-making of the international B2B purchaser, including a focus on the following trends: region-specific buying preferences, Direct-from-Manufacturer purchasing, Omni-Channel strategies, and the “Amazon Effect.”

Learn more.

2016 Icebreaker

Break the ice with more than 700 business and community leaders from every sector from startup to enterprise.

One of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs and business executives will be the keynote speaker at GMCC’s 2nd annual IceBreaker luncheon on April 21 at the Kohl Center in Madison. Steve Case, co-founder and former CEO/Chairman of America Online, will discuss the power entrepreneurs have to transform critical sectors and how places like greater Madison are playing an increasing role in solving global challenges.

Learn more.